The TAO Philosophy
A lasting solution to problems can only be achieved by asking 2 critical questions
- In doing what I am doing, what am I really doing?
- How am I part of the problem, and how can I be part of the solution?
A meaningful enquiry into these questions is greatly enhanced when appropriate lenses and frameworks are used for introspection. The wisdom and traditions of India are a great resource for inner growth and transformation. The Mahabharata offers a powerful lens through which people discover their own philosophy and their own pragmatics i.e., ways of making choices, dealing with paradoxes of life and discovering meaningful action.
The TAO Approach
The TAO Leadership Academy integrates a practice of Yoga and mindfulness, bringing a profound capacity to respond to the demands of the contemporary context in an effective and innovative manner.
The basic context of the coaching is placed in the framework of the Mahabharata Heroes, the Pandavas. The play of these archetypes and their shadows, as well as the contexts in which they encounter dilemmas of choice making and action are presented in ways that mirror our own lives. They provide a very useful lens through which we can introspect and discover ourselves.
Our offering is based on the belief that delving deeply into the Pandava archetypes and understanding the psychodramas they engender is an invaluable capability for a coach.
We have also developed a very powerful approach to individual and organisational assessment through the use of the Existential Universe Mapper (EUM). Authored by Ashok Malhotra and deployed in over a 100 organizations and thousands of individuals, the EUM is a well researched lens through which one can gain insight into the organization, its sources and sinks of energy and potential areas of synergy. Our coaching approach treats the individual as an integral unit. We work with the coachee at the level of inner propensities and potentials. Through the coaching, we endeavor to awaken the person’s dreams, awaken their own inner wisdom, and enable them to work with it in a way that is mindful enabling them to “become the best one can be”.
Becoming a TAO Coach
If you are
- Interested in a helping profession like coaching
- Interested in Indian (Yoga and Sankhya) lens of understanding individuals, systems, and the larger context
- Eager to learn about mythology, archetypes, pattern finding, human processes, self reflexivity, yoga, personal growth etc
- Eager to explore your potential and enable others to do the same
You have a great resource waiting to be tapped into and we invite you to join us in our quest to help people be the best they can be. The Academy certifies coaches in two distinct streams
The TAO coach is one who works intensely with one’s own inner growth to make oneself capable of coaching others. One prepares by attending a set of 4 modular workshops, each one followed by a period of practical application of the Philosophy in one’s own life. The entire process may take between 18-24 months for one to become an empaneled TAO coach. The coaching competencies necessary for certification will comprise of a deep internalization of this lens as well as having proficiency in basic coaching skills.