Our deepest potentials lie hidden in the world of our archetypal energies. These energies are universal and exist in each one of us, yet they act out through us in ways that are unique to our individual journeys. The discovery of the expression of these archetypes has the power to bring deep healing, transform our inner world and unlock hidden potential.
Our Personal Energy is immense and can act in heroic ways, however, it is often locked up in our unconscious. The stories of Mythological heroes evoke our hidden potential. The practices recommended in Yoga and Indian dance use both the power of the archetypal energies as well as prANic energies to unleash these potentials. We need to enter our subconscious, cleanse it of the debris collected over years of struggle in the work-a-day world, and discover profound healing. This opens the doors to the vast treasures that lie buried under the debris. The archetypes found in any mythology around the world will be found in the Mahabharata, and archetypes not found in the Mahabharata will not be found anywhere. The Mahabharata Immersion (MI) is designed to enable the participant to engage with the purANa from an “inside-out” location, to delve deep within, enter the space of the archetypal energies, enliven the archetypes and enact the primal drama that occurs at the various turning points in one’s own journey
The most evocative stories are metaphors of the inner adventure that the hero embarks upon to befriend the dAivic energies and subdue the asuric energies. It is through the discovery of the treasures that the inner dragon protects that the hero gains mastery over her gifts and treasures. The purANa and the itihAsa are not only powerful stories that evoke our desire to be heroes in our own eyes, they are also maps of the archetypal world.