Who is a TAO Coach?
The TAO Coach is one who works intensely with one’s own inner growth through practice of self-reflexive contemplation. This continuing self-work enables the Coach to engage in contemplative conversations with the coachees, embarking them on their own journey of self-discovery, of being what he/she is meant to be.
A coach is a Veet Raga Vishyam, holds sAkhi and sAkshi bhav and engages in ‘Sakala Sahrudaya Samvaadam’ - with all one’s faculties, with a resonance of hearts, contemplative conversations.
In the current context of VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) the future belongs to those leaders who ask the burning question, because real impact and power emerges from these fundamental questions. Any Power that merely rest on skills and external anchorages will ultimately give way. True leaders are capable of tapping into their inner wisdom, to discover the real intent and then act using that intent as an anchorage.
TAO Coach cum Facilitator
A Coach cum Facilitator is someone who has completed all modules in both the Life and Leadership Coaching Stream. He/she has also significant experience in coaching individual and groups using the TAO frameworks and is now ready to become a facilitator of these same modules, enabling other on their journey to become TAO coaches
The journey to become a Coach cum Facilitator includes:
Life Coaching Stream
The clients in this stream of coaching are typically facing issues of life transitions and stresses that impact their sense of well-being across many aspects of life. Often the client conversations go into difficulties with close and intimate relationships. It therefore involves exploring the person’s identity patterns as well as shadows. We are taking a Yogic approach to our coaching practice because in this approach one can span the deepest recesses of one's inner patterns as well as look at the psycho-somatic outcomes of stress. It allows for holistic engagement with the client.
Leadership Coaching Stream
The clients in this stream of coaching are typically concerned with becoming more effective and successful in their careers. The client discusses difficulties in role shaping and role transitions. These conversations involve focus on the nature of organizations, understanding structural and systemic processes. We bring in a dimension of facilitating the client's exploration of his/ her dharma as a driver of his/ her choice making and leadership. The client therefore understands how to strategize one’s actions, mobilize one’s team and influence other stakeholders from an authentic core.
This is the period where the coach works with existing coaches in order to deepen his/her understanding of the different tools and propensities while simultaneously engaging with them in a self-reflexive manner.